Using Your Starter and Changes to Ovenmitts

Hi everyone!

I do have a post for you guys today, but it’s over at! I’m in the middle of transferring from to self-hosted, so I currently have both sites up and running right now…

Hopefully sometime soon I’ll get it all figured out and have you automatically redirected over there, but until then you’ll have to bear with me – I have no idea what I am doing! To make it easier, you can go ahead and re-subscribe to the new RSS link over there, or resubscribe to the emails.

You’ll find a post tonight about knowing when to use your sourdough starters that we just made. I hope it’s helpful!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the move, or if you see something that isn’t working right. I could really use the help!


I had great plans for today:

1) I was going to get up early and finish studying for my Organic Chemistry exam. Which I did – except the whole “finishing” part.

2) I was going to do well on my Organic Chemistry exam. Unfortunately, I don’t feel as confident as I had hoped. Maybe it’s just me, but OChem is difficult.

3) I was going to go for a run. I also did this! And it was superb. Until I realized that I had the only keys to the house and I had no idea what time it was or how long I had been running. So I sprinted home. Up hill. And destroyed my legs. And two hours later, my boyfriend still isn’t home. At least I got some exercise!

4) I was going to make kettle corn and share it with you guys. But 3 attempts later, this is all I have to show…

Doesn’t that look appetizing?? And to top it off, the smoke from the popcorn-making set off the fire alarms in my brand new house. That’s not embarrassing or anything.

5) I was going to make fried green tomatoes. But I really don’t feel like being scared of the gas stove, cleaning the kitchen, and doing dishes all over again.

I guess it’s popcorn for dinner, then…

Do You ever have days that just don’t seem to go your way at all?

Today was mine. But overall, I am so blessed. The worst of my days are infinitely better than the best of some peoples’. I have the opportunity to go to an amazing university; I have the blessing of being able to run, and living in such a place where hills are literally outside my front door; I have a wonderful boyfriend and a roof over my head; and I have this great little blog here where I can vent all I need, and finally realize how good I have it. I feel so much better now 🙂